Photos - Day 2

Day 2
Up, up, up the Khamba La. We started at 3900m (having climbed 300m the night before unexpectedly) and ended up at 4800m.

Here we are, happy as, well, two people that have climbed the Khamba La. We're leaning on a pool table at the top... one thing we've learned from this trip is that Tibetans love pool.

Here are some cool yaks on top of the Khamba La. I wanted to hug one. Actually, I could've, but I would've had to have paid for the pleasure. So I refused, even though it is something that I have been dreaming of doing since conception.

Now that's one fine view. Halfway down the descent.

Vegetarians to Carnivores, Inc., with their newest, uh, client.
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